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To pass the relay: an election's analysis.

Political power is like a relay race. In this race, the crew must win the race by gradually passing over. At the end of the race the whole team wins. This analogy is intended to help us better to understand what I call here the philosophy of the relay. A few days before the elections to the Senate of Ivory Coast Youth, in my quality as founding member, it seems necessary to remember, for all practical purposes, the duty that is ours. This does not question the loyalty of young Senators, nor their ability to choose a president, but it's just a moral duty which I must fulfill.

Indeed, the Senate of  Ivory Coast Youth (SJCI) is a youth organization (legal status) Panafrican working to promote the rights of  youth and their empowerment through serious work. Apolitical by ideology, but political in nature because it leads a youth, the senate of  Ivorian Young faces a new turn in its history. Panafricanism, below the zealous enthusiasm that it tends to inspire, first is an ideology, a current of thought that promotes the rebirth and a revolution in all of Africa by the unit of all nations, hence the name Pan (all) and Africanism (doctrine on Africa).

In this perspective, the Senate of the young, he likes it or not, is to promote peace, unity around a common ideal and Africa’s sons unit. Such destiny imposes requirements. For what concerns us here is that the elections for the Senate requires youth to be united and seek ultimately the union of all sons. Elections do not come to divide, but to unite around an ideal, a same battle. They then present, for young senators as a challenge, an opportunity for them to prove their intention to the union, their attention to the unity and their tension to peace.

Returning to our example of departure: the relay. Here the relay is the symbol of the Senate of youth itself which passes from one hand to another without falling. The handover of the challenge is to avoid that it falls: There is an elimination when the relay falls. In this same way, young senators will have failed in their duty as panafricans, in while the elections (passage of the relay), the division moved (over falls). It is an obligation not only for the people in charge of elections but for all young senators to ensure that the elections are noiseless and smoothly. Looks like it would report to a fortune, but it is in the nature of true young senators and the Senate itself  that it could be like that.

Imagine for a moment that while the race one receiving the relay, instead of continuing to run, stops and complains about the way of its predecessor run. They would lose both the race for sure. It is the same during the election period. Let’s avoid accusatory speeches that hurt without leaving visible traces. Indeed, the gap created by the blade of the tongue in the hearts will eventually collapse the wall of love and unity built for years in the heart of the young senators. We must therefore watch over our tongue and turn about seven (7) times before talking as they say.

For an united and Panafrican Senate, we should remember the values ​​embodied by pan-Africanism and Africa. We must avoid to see the elections as a burning ember, but rather as a moment of communion, unity and sharing. Thus we can pass the torch without extinguishing the flame.


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