Notre réflexion sur le
développement continue son lent et sûr cheminer à travers les différentes
couches de la société. Après avoir réfléchi sur le rôle de la jeunesse,
revenons sur le celui de la population paysanne.
La question que je me
pose est la suivante : que peut représenter les ODD pour les habitants du
village de Vétouo ? La réponse la
plus évidente est : pas grande chose. Pourtant, le rôle de ces paysans est
essentiel dans l’atteinte des ODD. S’ouvre ainsi l’interrogation majeure :
quel mécanisme faut-il pour impliquer les populations rurales dans la marche
vers le développement durable ?
A cette question le
gouvernement a essayé de répondre par des sensibilisations de masse par le
biais des médias d’état. Or ils sont nombreux les villages en Côte d’Ivoire qui
n’ont pas d’électricité pour regarder la télévision. Ils sont aussi nombreux
les paysans qui ne comprennent pas le français et que ne sont pas allé à l’école
pour lire et écrire. Ceux-ci sont plus en contact avec la forêt que les
populations en zone urbaine. Il convient donc de revoir la méthode de
sensibilisation utilisée et l’adapter aux réalités existantes.
Pour notre part, les
sensibilisations de masse sont peut-être bonnes, mais elles ne sont pas assez efficaces.
Il faudrait peut-être y ajouter les sensibilisations de proximité, des classes
villageoises environnementales et la promotion des énergies renouvelables.
§ Les
sensibilisations de proximité
Les sensibilisations de
proximité permettent une bonne appropriation du contenu. En fait, par la
proximité qui instaure la confiance dans le discours, les populations plus à l’aise
se sentent impliquées dans l’action et peuvent même poser des questions ou
faire des propositions. Cette méthode qui se jette dans la perspective de la
redevabilité peut avoir un impact plus considérable.
§ Les
classes villageoises environnementales (CVE)
Elles dépassent le stade
de la sensibilisation pour atteindre celui de la formation et du suivi. Dans ces
classes où les formations très courtes et précises se donnent en langue locale,
la notion de la protection de l’environnement est mieux comprise. Ce serait aussi le lieux d’expérimentation de
certaines nouvelles pratiques agricoles qui respectent les normes
§ La
promotion de l’énergie renouvelable
Par cette promotion,
les villageois peuvent avoir accès à l’information et adopter des comportements
durables vis-à-vis de l’environnement. Moins coûteuses et plus sûre, l’énergie
renouvelable apportera de la lumière là où elle est le plus nécessaire.
En clair, il faut
revoir les approches communautaires dans le discours pour l’environnement. L’une
des grandes vérités est que si les populations rurales ne s’approprient pas le
bien fondé des ODD, il serait difficile au gouvernement d’atteindre les ODD
avec elles. A moins que l’objectif soit de les écarter de cette vision, il serait
utile de reconsidérer les méthodes jusque là usitées et ne laisser personne en
marge de la marche vers développement durable.
Our development thinking continues its slow and safe journey through the
different layers of society. After reflecting on the role of youth, now return to that of the peasant
The question I ask myself is: what can represent the SDGs for villagers of Vétouo? The obvious answer is no big thing. Yet the role of farmers is essential in achieving the SDGs. Opens so the major question: what mechanism is needed to involve rural people in the march towards sustainable development?
To this question the ivorian government tried to respond through mass awareness campaigns through the state media. But there are many villages in Ivory Coast who do not have electricity to watch TV. They are also many farmers who do not understand French and are not going to school to read and write. These are longer in contact with the forest than populations in urban areas. It is therefore appropriate to review the awareness method used and adapted to existing realities.
For our part, mass sensitization may be good, but they are not effective enough. It should perhaps be added the nearby sensitization, village environmental classes and the promotion of renewable energies.
The nearby sensitization
Nearby sensitization allow good appropriation of content. In fact, the closeness builds trust in the speech, and the people, more comfortable, feel involved in the action and may even ask questions or make suggestions. This method, which flows from the perspective of accountability can have a greater impact.
The environmental classes village (CVE)
It goes beyond the stage of awareness to achieve the training and monitoring. In those classes where very precise and short courses are taught in the local language, the concept of environmental protection is better understood. This would also be the testing grounds of some new agricultural practices that meet environmental standards.
The promotion of renewable energy
For this promotion, villagers can access information and adopt sustainable behaviors in front of the environment. Cheaper and safer, renewable energy will bring light where it is needed most.
Clearly, we must review community-based approaches in the speech for the environment. One of the great truths is that if the rural population does not appropriate the merits of the SDGs, it would be difficult for the government to achieve the SDGs with them. Unless the objective is to rule out them from this vision, it would be useful to reconsider the methods previously-used and not leave anyone on the sidelines of the march towards sustainable development.
The question I ask myself is: what can represent the SDGs for villagers of Vétouo? The obvious answer is no big thing. Yet the role of farmers is essential in achieving the SDGs. Opens so the major question: what mechanism is needed to involve rural people in the march towards sustainable development?
To this question the ivorian government tried to respond through mass awareness campaigns through the state media. But there are many villages in Ivory Coast who do not have electricity to watch TV. They are also many farmers who do not understand French and are not going to school to read and write. These are longer in contact with the forest than populations in urban areas. It is therefore appropriate to review the awareness method used and adapted to existing realities.
For our part, mass sensitization may be good, but they are not effective enough. It should perhaps be added the nearby sensitization, village environmental classes and the promotion of renewable energies.
The nearby sensitization
Nearby sensitization allow good appropriation of content. In fact, the closeness builds trust in the speech, and the people, more comfortable, feel involved in the action and may even ask questions or make suggestions. This method, which flows from the perspective of accountability can have a greater impact.
The environmental classes village (CVE)
It goes beyond the stage of awareness to achieve the training and monitoring. In those classes where very precise and short courses are taught in the local language, the concept of environmental protection is better understood. This would also be the testing grounds of some new agricultural practices that meet environmental standards.
The promotion of renewable energy
For this promotion, villagers can access information and adopt sustainable behaviors in front of the environment. Cheaper and safer, renewable energy will bring light where it is needed most.
Clearly, we must review community-based approaches in the speech for the environment. One of the great truths is that if the rural population does not appropriate the merits of the SDGs, it would be difficult for the government to achieve the SDGs with them. Unless the objective is to rule out them from this vision, it would be useful to reconsider the methods previously-used and not leave anyone on the sidelines of the march towards sustainable development.