Today as the world celebrates the abolition of slavery, let ask ourselves about the effectiveness of this act. Is the abolition effective at all levels or does slavery still exist in new ways?
It is true that today, Africans are no longer sold and no longer work against their will in plantations. But is then slavery abolished?
Another form of slavery exists yet. One that uses less good arm and which jeopardizes the lives of many children: Child labor. These new slavers are parents or not, but adults who use children in fields, plantations and other forms of activity which damage their physical and mental health, where they should go to school.
Most often, arguments are poverty and lack of workforces. These arguments are enough for some people to make children work in the fields. Meanwhile, these children have not asked to be born or to be poor. Then, it is the parents' duty to meet the terms of their training and education for their well-being and fulfillment. But it is also the duty of governments to enable parents to combine these conditions.
Today as the world celebrates the abolition of slavery, let ask ourselves about the effectiveness of this act. Is the abolition effective at all levels or does slavery still exist in new ways?
It is true that today, Africans are no longer sold and no longer work against their will in plantations. But is then slavery abolished?
Another form of slavery exists yet. One that uses less good arm and which jeopardizes the lives of many children: Child labor. These new slavers are parents or not, but adults who use children in fields, plantations and other forms of activity which damage their physical and mental health, where they should go to school.
Most often, arguments are poverty and lack of workforces. These arguments are enough for some people to make children work in the fields. Meanwhile, these children have not asked to be born or to be poor. Then, it is the parents' duty to meet the terms of their training and education for their well-being and fulfillment. But it is also the duty of governments to enable parents to combine these conditions.
million children of 5-14 years are living this tragedy worldwide according to
this day, we remember of this new form of slavery and that everyone engages in
its abolition. No
child should be deprived of school for any reason whatsoever.
It is time to change and that governments all over the world unite to fight against this scourge which also rhymes with child trafficking.
NO !!! Slavery is not abolished, it is still there, in silence, and it kills the children. When we smoke a cigarette or we eat chocolate, it is the tears of the children we swallow.
Let liberate them!!!
It is in the shared responsibility and the will of all that lays their salvation.
When will we celebrate the abolition of slavery for true?
It is time to change and that governments all over the world unite to fight against this scourge which also rhymes with child trafficking.
NO !!! Slavery is not abolished, it is still there, in silence, and it kills the children. When we smoke a cigarette or we eat chocolate, it is the tears of the children we swallow.
Let liberate them!!!
It is in the shared responsibility and the will of all that lays their salvation.
When will we celebrate the abolition of slavery for true?